Tuesday, November 23, 2010

League of Legends - General strategies or How to NOT suck

Hello world of the internet!  It's time for the first real issue I want to tackle, how to stop being so bad at LoL.  Alot of the more generalized tips work well for both maps, but I will be mainly looking at Summoners Rift the 5v5 map.

First things first, do you click skills? Are you a mouse GOD? Well stop it, for the love of all that is good in the world stop it. QWER DF, use them... please use them.. They are your skill hotkeys, using these over your mouse will literally decrease the amount it takes you to react by 3 seconds. So many time's I hear "I clicked the spell!" and I think, well if you were using the keys you wouldn't have let them get out of range?

Second super general tip, call MIA's in your lane! It's not always possible etc etc.. but if you see someone missing for any amount of time, just call it. It's better to say "nvm he's down here" than hear, an ally has been slain. Ping the path you think they're going, whatever, just don't leave your team in the dark to what's happening before it's to late.

Third general tip. LAST HIT. Stop auto attacking, stop it.  The only time it is ever ok to auto attack is for a slight amount of regen, but you don't want to do it much anyways.  Why don't you want to keep auto attacking? Well unless it is safe to push - why would you want to be out of your own towers saftey zone? Why would you want to last hit? Well you only get gold for getting the killing blow on a minion. Why do you want gold? To get phat lewt.

Another general tip - control the map! This is super important on both maps, and it really frustrates me to see people not care whatesoever about the jungle. Dragon is #1 priority for most of the game on both maps!  130 gold to the whole team as well as a ton of xp. Your jungler should be trying to go for it every time it's up, as well as not letting the enemy jungle have it. You should control your own buffs as well, getting them stolen is bad. Bad bad bad. Ranged AD carries in general should go for red, casters or support blue.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN STEAL THEM FROM YOUR JUNGLE AT FIRST. He is probably going to need them for probably the first 4 or 5 levels, and you really don't want to rape your own jungler. This also means, if your jungler is getting ganked, on your own side of the map move to help him! Lanes need to react to things they see they can help. Help with dragon, help with jungle ganks, etc etc.

So how do you get map control you may ask? Well it's simple, ward. I will do a whole blog about effective warding. Just remember, keep them up around the map. Dragon and Baron in particular, runes and the ends of the river will give you a really good start. Just make sure you make use of your sight!

When you're on team select, wait to lock in! Please, see what other people are thinking of playing. If you want to win, be ready to play something other than a ranged carry for once. Do you need a jungler? Try it out! Just remember some champs don't jungle so well right off the bat, Warwick is a perfect starting jungle. Shaco is pretty easy to learn as well. Do you have a tank? NO????? Well then you might want to learn one. Galio and Amumu are both amazing. Amumu can jungle too! Galio is great as a side lane! Don't like those? Garen, Rammus, Shen, all easy to understand and learn! Just remember, you want a balanced team.

Set up a task order ahead of the big team fight brewing. Know who needs to do what. Are you playing Twitch? Get ready to spray and pray their whole team. Janna? Shield twitch and try and keep people off him. Teemo? Stop that Tryndamere! All champions have a role in this game, some are nukers, some are sustained damage, nukers, tanks, support - they're all valid. If you're playing normal just set up a team that synergizes with each other and watch enemies fall, in ranked try to counter pick while maintaining balance in your team!

Build effectivley. Don't waste that gold from your hard earned last hits on items that are bad for you. I won't go into specifics on this in this article, but I will probably talk about how I build some champions. Remember, you should build to counter the other team though! They shouldn't be static, and most games I play I have a different idea of what I'm going to build. Alot of CC? Merc treads, Banshees, etc. Lots of phys damage? Armor time! They're stacking health and you're a damage dealer? Blood Razor for physical attackers, Death Fire Grasp for mages!

These really general tips should help improve your game. If you knew all of this already stay tuned for more indepth looks into the Fields of Justice and much more!


  1. Good article with lots of good information! As a Pro LoL'er I already knew the information on here, but for the new guys this is a plethora of information.

  2. good general tips but you forgot that you should ALWAYS have a jungler
